
Research | Consultation | Workshops

Clinician burnout is real, but it’s not inevitable.

My research looks at the relationship between challenging client behaviors, coping and burnout. Key findings from this work suggest all behaviors are not created equal. We also found that it is not just the clinical work itself that necessarily leads to burnout among clinicians; rather, it may be the way we cope with these challenges that impacts how they affect us. This means there are important opportunities to intervene before burnout occurs.

Strategies drawn from mindfulness and CBT can help forestall and address symptoms of burnout. Good boundaries and practice structure can lead to higher levels of personal accomplishment. Learning which coping strategies to avoid is also important, and can help to maintain self-reflection, a vital capacity for clinicians.

I presented this research at the American Psychological Association conference this summer, and am always available to present on my work, answer any questions, as well as offer workshops to professional groups. Discounted rates/pro bono arrangements are available for graduate student groups.

I also love to help clinicians recognize the signs of burnout, address them, and reconnect with their love for providing therapy. Learn more about therapy and consultation/supervision.

See a list of publications and presentations here.

If you’re a clinician or organization facing symptoms of burnout or vicarious trauma, I can help.

No career change needed

Maybe you are noticing (in yourself or your employees):

  • High levels of emotional exhaustion —feeling depleted by clinical work

  • Feeling distant from your clients: you used to feel attuned and present, but now you find your mind wandering as you struggle to empathize

  • Less of a sense of satisfaction in your work, self-doubt about whether you are making a difference

  • You just don’t feel as excited about clinical work as you used to—work now feels like “work.”

  • Feelings about work follow you home; you feel disturbed in a way you can’t quite shake by the things you hear and the suffering you witness

How I can help:

  • Presenting my research on burnout prevention in the form of a talk or round-table: I will share details about the empirical relationship between challenging client behaviors, burnout and coping

  • Solution-focused workshops on burnout and burnout prevention—I will put my research into action to help clinicians forestall and address burnout. We will talk about things to look out for, concrete strategies to employ, and ways to increase your sense of personal accomplishment and longevity in the field.

  • Individual psychotherapy and consultation for clinicians noticing symptoms of burnout and vicarious traumatization.

  • Let’s be creative; contact me to see how I can best meet your needs.

Selected Publications and professional presentations (see full list here)


Durlak, J. A., Berger, S. R., & Celio, C. I. (2009). After-school programs. In T. P. Gullotta & M. Bloom  (Eds.). A blueprint for promoting academic and social competencies in after school programs. New  York: Springer.  

Durlak, J. A. Taylor, R. D., Kawashima, K., Pachan, M. K., DuPre, E. P., Celio, C. I., & Berger, S. R . (2007).  Effects of positive youth development programs on school, family, and community systems. American  Journal of Community Psychology, 39, 269-286.  

Tanner, J. L., Reinherz, H. Z., Beardslee, W. R., Fitzmaurice, G. M., Leis, J. A., & Berger, S. R. (2007).  Change in prevalence of psychiatric disorders from ages 21, 26, to 30 in a community sample. Journal  of Nervous and Mental Disease, 195, 298-306.  

Reinherz, H. Z., Tanner, J. L., Berger, S. R., Beardslee, W. R, & Fitzmaurice, G. (2006). Adolescent suicidal  ideation as predictive of psychopathology, suicidal behavior and compromised functioning at age 30 .  American Journal of Psychiatry, 163, 1226-1232.  


Berger, S. R. & Rupert, P. (August, 2024). Challenging client behaviors, coping and burnout among professional psychologists. Poster to be presented at the 132nd meeting of the American Psychological Association. Seattle, WA.

Rupert, P., Stevanovic, P., Berger, S. R. (August, 2009) Work-family conflict and life satisfaction among  professional psychologists. Poster presented at the 117 th meeting of the American Psychological  Association. Toronto, Canada.  

Stevanovic, P., Rupert, P., & Berger, S. R . (August, 2008). Work characteristics, career sustaining behaviors,  and burnout among professional psychologists. Poster presented at the 116 th annual meeting of the  American Psychological Association. Boston, MA.  

Berger, S. R., Durlak, J. A., Celio, C. I., & Pachan, M. K. (March, 2007). Prevention of internalizing disorders  in childhood and adolescence: A meta-analysis . Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society  for Research in Child Development, March 2007, Boston, MA.  

Luboyeski, E. J., Berger, S. R., Sieracki, J., Leon, S., Miller, S., & Lyons, J. (March, 2007). Influence of  community characteristics in the system of care. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Research  and Training Center for Children’s Health, Tampa, FL.  

Berger, S.R., & Celio. C. (2006, May). Positive youth development in after school programming . Symposium  conducted at the annual meeting of the Midwest Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.  

Berger, S. R . (2005, May). Integrating social and emotional learning, character education, and the multiple  intelligences in high school arts classrooms: A pragmatic case study approach. Poster presented at the  annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington, DC.  

Reinherz, H. Z., Tanner, J. L., Berger, S. R ., & Paradis, A. D. (2004, November). Developmental consequences  in adulthood of adolescent suicidal behavior: A longitudinal community study. Paper presented at the  annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.  

Reinherz, H. Z., Tanner, J. L., Berger, S. R ., & Paradis, A. D. (2004, April). Adolescent suicidal ideation:  Normative angst or psychopathology predictor at age 30? Paper presented at the Harvard School of  Public Health Colloquium on Psychiatric Epidemiology, Boston, MA.  

Reinherz, H. Z., Paradis, A. D., Tanner, J. L., & Berger, S. R. (2004, March) Early risks for continuity of  substance disorder from adolescence to adulthood. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the  Society for Research on Adolescence, Baltimore, MD.  

Tanner, J. L., Reinherz, H. Z., & Berger, S. R. (2004, March) Social support as a predictor of continuity of  psychiatric disorder across emerging adulthood . Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Society  for Research on Adolescence, Baltimore, MD.